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Microsoft PowerPoint
Master the Microsoft PowerPoint with Time Saving Shortcuts

Master the Microsoft PowerPoint with Time Saving Shortcuts

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful and widely used presentation software that allows users to create captivating slideshows for various purposes, including business presentations, educational lectures, and more. While PowerPoint offers a myriad of features, knowing the right keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency when designing and delivering presentations.

Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best shortcut tricks in Microsoft PowerPoint that will save you time and enhance your presentation creation process.

  1. Navigating and Selecting

Efficient navigation and selection are essential for building and editing presentations. Try these shortcuts:

  • Move to the next slide: Press “Page Down” or “Down Arrow.”
  • Move to the previous slide: Press “Page Up” or “Up Arrow.”
  • Select an object: Click on the object and press “Ctrl + Click” to select multiple objects simultaneously.
  • Move an object: Use the arrow keys to nudge the selected object pixel by pixel.
  1. Copy, Cut, and Paste

Managing elements within a slide is a fundamental part of presentation design. Utilize these shortcuts:

  • Copy: Press “Ctrl + C.”
  • Cut: Press “Ctrl + X.”
  • Paste: Press “Ctrl + V.”
  • Duplicate: Press “Ctrl + D” to create a copy of the selected object.
  1. Slide Management

Organizing and managing slides efficiently is crucial. Use these shortcuts:

  • Insert a new slide: Press “Ctrl + M.”
  • Duplicate a slide: Select the slide, then press “Ctrl + D.”
  • Delete a slide: Select the slide, then press “Delete.”
  • Move to a specific slide: Press “Ctrl + Slide Number” (e.g., “Ctrl + 3” for slide number 3).

Master the Microsoft Word with Time Saving Shortcut Trick’s

  1. Text Formatting

Formatting text plays a significant role in creating visually appealing slides. Try these text formatting shortcuts:

  • Bold: Press “Ctrl + B.”
  • Italic: Press “Ctrl + I.”
  • Underline: Press “Ctrl + U.”
  • Increase font size: Press “Ctrl + Shift + > (Greater Than)” to increase font size.
  • Decrease font size: Press “Ctrl + Shift + < (Less Than)” to decrease font size.
  1. Slide Show Navigation

Delivering a presentation smoothly requires efficient slide show navigation. Use these shortcuts:

  • Start the slide show from the beginning: Press “F5.”
  • Start the slide show from the current slide: Press “Shift + F5.”
  • Move to the next slide during a slide show: Press “Spacebar,” “Enter,” “Page Down,” or “Right Arrow.”
  • Move to the previous slide during a slide show: Press “Page Up” or “Left Arrow.”
  1. Undo and Redo

Mistakes can happen while designing slides. Use these shortcuts to undo or redo actions:

  • Undo: Press “Ctrl + Z.”
  • Redo: Press “Ctrl + Y.”


Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft PowerPoint can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline your presentation creation process. The shortcuts mentioned in this article are just a glimpse of the time-saving features PowerPoint offers. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts and explore others to maximize your efficiency and proficiency in PowerPoint. By incorporating these time-saving tricks into your PowerPoint workflow, you’ll be able to design and deliver presentations more effectively and efficiently, leaving you more time for refining your content and engaging with your audience.

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microsoft word
Master the Microsoft Word with Time Saving Shortcut Trick’s

Mastering The Microsoft Word With Top Time Saving Shortcut Tricks

Microsoft Word is a versatile word processing tool that is widely used for writing, editing, and formatting documents of all kinds. While Word offers a multitude of features, mastering the right keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow.

microsoft word
microsoft word

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best shortcut tricks in Microsoft Word that will save you time and make your document creation and editing tasks a breeze.

  1. Navigation and Selection

Navigating and selecting text efficiently can be a game-changer in Word. Try these shortcuts:

  • To move the cursor to the beginning of a word, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Left Arrow.”.
  • To move the cursor to the end of a word, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Right Arrow.”.
  • To move the cursor to the beginning of a line, press “Home.”
  • Move the cursor to the end of a line: Press “End.”
  • Select a word: Double-click on the word.
  • Select a sentence: Press “Ctrl + click” anywhere in the sentence.
  • Select a paragraph: Triple-click anywhere in the paragraph.
  1. Copy, Cut, and Paste

Copying, cutting, and pasting text are fundamental tasks in Word. Utilize these shortcuts:

  • Copy: Press “Ctrl + C.”
  • Cut: Press “Ctrl + X.”
  • Paste: Press “Ctrl + V.”
  • Paste Special: Press “Ctrl + Alt + V” to access various paste options, such as pasting as plain text or pasting a hyperlink.

Mastering Excel: Top Time-Saving Shortcut Tricks

2. Formatting Text

Formatting text is essential for creating visually appealing and well-structured documents. Try these formatting shortcuts:

  • Bold: Press “Ctrl + B.”
  • Italic: Press “Ctrl + I.”
  • Underline: Press “Ctrl + U.”
  • Change font size: Press “Ctrl + Shift + > (Greater Than)” to increase font size, and “Ctrl + Shift + < (Less Than)” to decrease font size.
  • Change font style: Press “Ctrl + Shift + F” to open the Font dialog box.

3. Navigation within the Document

Quickly moving around the document can save time and effort. Use these navigation shortcuts:

  • Go to the beginning of the document: Press “Ctrl + Home.”
  • Go to the end of the document: Press “Ctrl + End.”
  • Go to a specific page: Press “Ctrl + G,” then enter the page number and press “Enter.”

4. Undo and Redo

Mistakes happen, but undoing them is a breeze with these shortcuts:

  • Undo: Press “Ctrl + Z.”
  • Redo: Press “Ctrl + Y.”

5. Find and Replace

Finding and replacing text is made easy with these shortcuts:

  • Find: Press “Ctrl + F” to open the Find dialog box.
  • Replace: Press “Ctrl + H” to open the Replace dialog box.


Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word can significantly enhance your productivity and streamline your document creation and editing tasks. The shortcuts mentioned in this article are just a glimpse of the time-saving features that Word offers. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts and explore others to maximize your efficiency and proficiency in Microsoft Word. By incorporating these time-saving tricks into your Word workflow, you’ll be able to create and edit documents faster and with greater ease, leaving you more time for other essential tasks in your work or personal projects.

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Microsoft PowerPoint
Mastering the Excel with Best Time Saving Shortcut Trick’s

Mastering Excel: Top Time-Saving Shortcut Tricks

Microsoft Excel is a versatile and powerful spreadsheet tool widely used for data analysis, reporting, and financial modeling. While Excel offers an array of features, mastering the right keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency.

Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best shortcut tricks in Excel that will save you time and make your spreadsheet tasks a breeze.

  1. Navigating and Selecting Cells

Navigating and selecting cells efficiently can save time when working with large datasets. Try these shortcuts:

  • Move to the next cell: Press the “Enter” key or use the arrow keys.
  • Move to the previous cell: Press “Shift + Enter.”
  • Select an entire column: Press “Ctrl + Space.”
  • Select an entire row: Press “Shift + Space.”
  • Select the entire dataset: Press “Ctrl + A.”
  1. Copy, Cut, and Paste

Copying, cutting, and pasting are fundamental tasks in Excel. Utilize these shortcuts:

  • Copy: Press “Ctrl + C.”
  • Cut: Press “Ctrl + X.”
  • Paste: Press “Ctrl + V.”
  • Paste Special: Press “Ctrl + Alt + V” to access various paste options, such as values only or formats only.

Mastering The Microsoft Word With Top Time Saving Shortcut Tricks

2. AutoFill and Fill Series

AutoFill is a fantastic feature for quickly populating cells with data patterns. Use these shortcuts:

  • AutoFill: Select the cell with the data pattern, and then drag the small square at the bottom right corner of the cell to fill adjacent cells with the pattern.
  • Fill Series: To quickly generate a sequence of numbers or dates, select the starting cell, and press “Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow” to highlight the desired range. Then press “Ctrl + Enter” to populate the series.

3. Insert and Delete Rows or Columns

Manipulating rows and columns is a common task in Excel. Use these shortcuts:

  • Insert Rows: Press “Ctrl + Shift + + (Plus)” to insert rows above the selected row.
  • Delete Rows: Press “Ctrl + – (Minus)” to delete the selected row.
  • Insert Columns: Press “Ctrl + Space” to select the entire column. Then press “Ctrl + Shift + + (Plus)” to insert columns to the left of the selected column.
  • Delete Columns: Press “Ctrl + Space” to select the entire column. Then press “Ctrl + – (Minus)” to delete the selected column.

4. Format Cells

Formatting cells is essential to present data effectively. Try these formatting shortcuts:

  • Format Cells: Press “Ctrl + 1” to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  • Apply Bold: Press “Ctrl + B.”
  • Apply Italic: Press “Ctrl + I.”
  • Apply Underline: Press “Ctrl + U.”
  • Increase Font Size: Press “Ctrl + Shift + > (Greater Than).”
  • Decrease Font Size: Press “Ctrl + Shift + < (Less Than).”


Excel is a powerful tool with an abundance of features, but mastering keyboard shortcuts can take your efficiency and productivity to the next level. The shortcuts mentioned in this article are just a glimpse of what Excel has to offer. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these shortcuts and explore others to streamline your workflow and tackle spreadsheet tasks with ease. By incorporating these time-saving tricks into your Excel repertoire, you’ll become a more proficient and confident Excel user, saving valuable time for other essential tasks in your work or personal projects.

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