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How to Successfully Handle Your Companys Finance Efficiently

In business, finance management is the practice of handling a company’s finances in a way that allows it to be successful and compliant with regulations. That takes both a high-level plan and boots-on-the-ground execution.

What Is Financial Management?

At its core, financial management is the practice of making a business plan and then ensuring all departments stay on track. Solid financial management enables the CFO or VP of finance to provide data that supports creation of a long-range vision, informs decisions on where to invest, and yields insights on how to fund those investments, liquidity, profitability, cash runway and more.

ERP software can help finance teams achieve these goals: A financial management system combines several financial functions, such as accounting, fixed-asset management, revenue recognition and payment processing. By integrating these key components, a financial management system ensures real-time visibility into the financial state of a company while facilitating day-to-day operations, like period-end close processes.

Objectives of Financial Management

Building on those pillars, financial managers help their companies in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:

Maximizing profits

Provide insights on, for example, rising costs of raw materials that might trigger an increase in the cost of goods sold.

Tracking liquidity and cash flow

Ensure the company has enough money on hand to meet its obligations.

Ensuring compliance

Keep up with state, federal and industry-specific regulations.

Developing financial scenarios

These are based on the business’ current state and forecasts that assume a wide range of outcomes based on possible market conditions.

Manage relationships

Dealing effectively with investors and the boards of directors.

Ultimately, it’s about applying effective management principles to the company’s financial structure.

Scope of Financial Management

Financial management encompasses four major areas:

  1. Planning

    The financial manager projects how much money the company will need in order to maintain positive cash flow, allocate funds to grow or add new products or services and cope with unexpected events, and shares that information with business colleagues.

    Planning may be broken down into categories including capital expenses, T&E and workforce and indirect and operational expenses.

  2. Budgeting

    The financial manager allocates the company’s available funds to meet costs, such as mortgages or rents, salaries, raw materials, employee T&E and other obligations. Ideally there will be some left to put aside for emergencies and to fund new business opportunities.

    Companies generally have a master budget and may have separate sub documents covering, for example, cash flow and operations; budgets may be static or flexible.

    Static vs. Flexible Budgeting

    Remains the same even if there are significant changes from the assumptions made during planning.Adjusts based on changes in the assumptions used in the planning process.
  3. Managing and assessing risk

    Line-of-business executives look to their financial managers to assess and provide compensating controls for a variety of risks, including:

    • Market riskAffects the business’ investments as well as, for public companies, reporting and stock performance. May also reflect financial risk particular to the industry, such as a pandemic affecting restaurants or the shift of retail to a direct-to-consumer model.
    • Credit riskThe effects of, for example, customers not paying their invoices on time and thus the business not having funds to meet obligations, which may adversely affect creditworthiness and valuation, which dictates ability to borrow at favorable rates.
    • Liquidity riskFinance teams must track current cash flow, estimate future cash needs and be prepared to free up working capital as needed.
    • Operational riskThis is a catch-all category, and one new to some finance teams. It may include, for example, the risk of a cyber-attack and whether to purchase cybersecurity insurance, what disaster recovery and business continuity plans are in place and what crisis management practices are triggered if a senior executive is accused of fraud or misconduct.
  4. Procedures

    The financial manager sets procedures regarding how the finance team will process and distribute financial data, like invoices, payments and reports, with security and accuracy. These written procedures also outline who is responsible for making financial decisions at the company — and who signs off on those decisions.

    Companies don’t need to start from scratch; there are policy and procedure templates available for a variety of organization types, such as this one for nonprofits.

Functions of Financial Management

More practically, a financial manager’s activities in the above areas revolve around planning and forecasting and controlling expenditures.

The FP&A function includes issuing P&L statements, analyzing which product lines or services have the highest profit margin or contribute the most to net profitability, maintaining the budget and forecasting the company’s future financial performance and scenario planning.

Managing cash flow is also key. The financial manager must make sure there’s enough cash on hand for day-to-day operations, like paying workers and purchasing raw materials for production. This involves overseeing cash as it flows both in and out of the business, a practice called cash management.

Along with cash management, financial management includes revenue recognition, or reporting the company’s revenue according to standard accounting principles. Balancing accounts receivable turnover ratios is a key part of strategic cash conservation and management. This may sound simple, but it isn’t always: At some companies, customers might pay months after receiving your service. At what point do you consider that money “yours” — and report the good news to investors?

5 Tips to Improve Your Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio

  1. Invoice regularly and accurately. If invoices don’t go out on time, money will not come in on time.
  1. Always state payment terms. You can’t enforce policies that you haven’t communicated to clients. If you make changes, call them out.
  1. Offer multiple ways to pay. New B2B options are coming online. Have you considered a payment gateway?
  1. Set follow-up reminders. Don’t wait until customers are in arrears to start collection procedures. Be proactive, but not annoying, with reminders.
  1. Consider offering discounts for cash and prepayments. Cash(less) is king in retail, and you can reduce AR costs by encouraging customers to pay ahead rather than on your normal customer credit terms.
Learn more about maximizing your AR turnover ratios.

Finally, managing financial controls involves analyzing how the company is performing financially compared with its plans and budgets. Methods for doing this include financial ratio analysis, in which the financial manager compares line items on the company’s financial statements.

Strategic vs. Tactical Financial Management

On a tactical level, financial management procedures govern how you process daily transactions, perform the monthly financial close, compare actual spending to what’s budgeted and ensure you meet auditor and tax requirements.

On a more strategic level, financial management feeds into vital FP&A (financial planning and analysis) and visioning activities, where finance leaders use data to help line-of-business colleagues plan future investments, spot opportunities and build resilient companies.

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Importance of Financial Management

Solid financial management provides the foundation for three pillars of sound fiscal governance:

  1. Strategizing

    Identifying what needs to happen financially for the company to achieve its short- and long-term goals. Leaders need insights into current performance for scenario planning, for example.

  2. Decision-making

    Helping business leaders decide the best way to execute on plans by providing up-to-date financial reports and data on relevant KPIs.

  3. Controlling

    Ensuring each department is contributing to the vision and operating within budget and in alignment with strategy.

With effective financial management, all employees know where the company is headed, and they have visibility into progress.

What Are the Three Types of Financial Management?

The functions above can be grouped into three broader types of financial management:

  1. Capital budgeting

    Relates to identifying what needs to happen financially for the company to achieve its short- and long-term goals. Where should capital funds be expended to support growth?

  2. Capital structure

    Determine how to pay for operations and/or growth. If interest rates are low, taking on debt might be the best answer. A company might also seek funding from a private equity firm, consider selling assets like real estate or, where applicable, selling equity.

  3. Working capital management

    As discussed above, is making sure there’s enough cash on hand for day-to-day operations, like paying workers and purchasing raw materials for production.

What Is an Example of Financial Management?

We’ve covered some examples of financial management in the “functions” section above. Now, let’s cover how they all work together:

Say the CEO of a toothpaste company wants to introduce a new product: toothbrushes. She’ll call on her team to estimate the cost of producing the toothbrushes and the financial manager to determine where those funds should come from — for example, a bank loan.

The financial manager will acquire those funds and ensure they’re allocated to manufacture toothbrushes in the most cost-effective way possible. Assuming the toothbrushes sell well, the financial manager will gather data to help the management team decide whether to put the profits toward producing more toothbrushes, start a line of mouthwashes, pay a dividend to shareholders or take some other action.

Throughout the process, the financial manager will ensure the company has enough cash on hand to pay the new workers producing the toothbrushes. She’ll also analyze whether the company is spending and generating as much money as she estimated when she budgeted for the project.

Financial Management for Startups

At the outset, financial management responsibilities within a startup include making and sticking to a budget that aligns with the business plan, evaluating what to do with profits and making sure your bills get paid and that customers pay you.

As the company grows and adds finance and accounting contractors or staffers, financial management gets more complicated. You need to make sure your employees get paid, with accurate deductions; properly file taxes and financial statements; and watch for errors and fraud.

This all circles back to our opening discussion of balancing strategic and tactical. By building a plan, you can answer the big questions: Are our goods and services profitable? Can we afford to launch a new product or make that hire? What might the coming 12 to 18 months bring for the business?

Solid financial management provides the systems and processes to answer those questions.

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Understand Cost Accounting: Defined with Real-World Examples

Understanding Cost Accounting: Definitions, Types, and Real-World Examples

What Is Cost Accounting ?

Cost accounting is a form of managerial accounting that aims to capture a company’s total cost of production by assessing the variable costs of each step of production as well as fixed costs, such as a lease expense.

Cost accounting is not GAAP-compliant, and can only be used for internal purposes.

Key Takeaways

  • Cost accounting is used internally by management in order to make fully informed business decisions.
  • Unlike financial accounting, which provides information to external financial statement users, cost accounting is not required to adhere to set standards and can be flexible to meet the particular needs of management.
  • As such, cost accounting cannot be used on official financial statements and is not GAAP-compliant.
  • Cost accounting considers all input costs associated with production, including both variable and fixed costs.
  • Types of cost accounting include standard costing, activity-based costing, lean accounting, and marginal costing.

Understanding Cost Accounting

Cost accounting is used by a company’s internal management team to identify all variable and fixed costs associated with the production process. It will first measure and record these costs individually, then compare input costs to output results to aid in measuring financial performance and making future business decisions. There are many types of costs involved in cost accounting, which are defined below.

Types of Costs

  • Fixed costs are costs that don’t vary depending on the level of production. These are usually things like the mortgage or lease payment on a building or a piece of equipment that is depreciated at a fixed monthly rate. An increase or decrease in production levels would cause no change in these costs.
  • Variable costs are costs tied to a company’s level of production. For example, a floral shop ramping up its floral arrangement inventory for Valentine’s Day will incur higher costs when it purchases an increased number of flowers from the local nursery or garden center.
  • Operating costs are costs associated with the day-to-day operations of a business. These costs can be either fixed or variable depending on the unique situation.
  • Direct costs are costs specifically related to producing a product. If a coffee roaster spends five hours roasting coffee, the direct costs of the finished product include the labor hours of the roaster and the cost of the coffee beans.
  • Indirect costs are costs that cannot be directly linked to a product. In the coffee roaster example, the energy cost to heat the roaster would be indirect because it is inexact and difficult to trace to individual products.

Cost Accounting vs. Financial Accounting

While cost accounting is often used by management within a company to aid in decision-making, financial accounting is what outside investors or creditors typically see. Financial accounting presents a company’s financial position and performance to external sources through financial statements, which include information about its revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Cost accounting can be most beneficial as a tool for management in budgeting and in setting up cost-control programs, which can improve net margins for the company in the future.

One key difference between cost accounting and financial accounting is that, while in financial accounting the cost is classified depending on the type of transaction, cost accounting classifies costs according to the information needs of the management. Cost accounting, because it is used as an internal tool by management, does not have to meet any specific standard such as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and, as a result, varies in use from company to company or department to department.

Cost-accounting methods are typically not useful for figuring out tax liabilities, which means that cost accounting cannot provide a complete analysis of a company’s true costs.

Types of Cost Accounting

Standard Costing

Standard costing assigns “standard” costs, rather than actual costs, to its cost of goods sold (COGS) and inventory. The standard costs are based on the efficient use of labor and materials to produce the good or service under standard operating conditions, and they are essentially the budgeted amount. Even though standard costs are assigned to the goods, the company still has to pay actual costs. Assessing the difference between the standard (efficient) cost and the actual cost incurred is called variance analysis.

If the variance analysis determines that actual costs are higher than expected, the variance is unfavorable. If it determines the actual costs are lower than expected, the variance is favorable. Two factors can contribute to a favorable or unfavorable variance. There is the cost of the input, such as the cost of labor and materials. This is considered to be a rate variance.

Additionally, there is the efficiency or quantity of the input used. This is considered to be a volume variance. If, for example, XYZ company expected to produce 400 widgets in a period but ended up producing 500 widgets, the cost of materials would be higher due to the total quantity produced.

Activity-Based Costing

Activity-based costing (ABC) identifies overhead costs from each department and assigns them to specific cost objects, such as goods or services. The ABC system of cost accounting is based on activities, which refer to any event, unit of work, or task with a specific goal, such as setting up machines for production, designing products, distributing finished goods, or operating machines. These activities are also considered to be cost drivers, and they are the measures used as the basis for allocating overhead costs.

Traditionally, overhead costs are assigned based on one generic measure, such as machine hours. Under ABC, an activity analysis is performed where appropriate measures are identified as the cost drivers. As a result, ABC tends to be much more accurate and helpful when it comes to managers reviewing the cost and profitability of their company’s specific services or products.

For example, cost accountants using ABC might pass out a survey to production-line employees who will then account for the amount of time they spend on different tasks. The costs of these specific activities are only assigned to the goods or services that used the activity. This gives management a better idea of where exactly the time and money are being spent.

To illustrate this, assume a company produces both trinkets and widgets. The trinkets are very labor-intensive and require quite a bit of hands-on effort from the production staff. The production of widgets is automated, and it mostly consists of putting the raw material in a machine and waiting many hours for the finished good. It would not make sense to use machine hours to allocate overhead to both items because the trinkets hardly used any machine hours. Under ABC, the trinkets are assigned more overhead related to labor and the widgets are assigned more overhead related to machine use.

Lean Accounting

The main goal of lean accounting is to improve financial management practices within an organization. Lean accounting is an extension of the philosophy of lean manufacturing and production, which has the stated intention of minimizing waste while optimizing productivity. For example, if an accounting department is able to cut down on wasted time, employees can focus that saved time more productively on value-added tasks.

When using lean accounting, traditional costing methods are replaced by value-based pricing and lean-focused performance measurements. Financial decision-making is based on the impact on the company’s total value stream profitability. Value streams are the profit centers of a company, which is any branch or division that directly adds to its bottom-line profitability.

Marginal Costing

Marginal costing (sometimes called cost-volume-profit analysis) is the impact on the cost of a product by adding one additional unit into production. It is useful for short-term economic decisions. Marginal costing can help management identify the impact of varying levels of costs and volume on operating profit. This type of analysis can be used by management to gain insight into potentially profitable new products, sales prices to establish for existing products, and the impact of marketing campaigns.

The break-even point—which is the production level where total revenue for a product equals total expense—is calculated as the total fixed costs of a company divided by its contribution margin. The contribution margin, calculated as the sales revenue minus variable costs, can also be calculated on a per-unit basis in order to determine the extent to which a specific product contributes to the overall profit of the company.

History of Cost Accounting

Scholars believe that cost accounting was first developed during the industrial revolution when the emerging economics of industrial supply and demand forced manufacturers to start tracking their fixed and variable expenses in order to optimize their production processes.

Cost accounting allowed railroad and steel companies to control costs and become more efficient. By the beginning of the 20th century, cost accounting had become a widely covered topic in the literature on business management.

How Does Cost Accounting Differ From Traditional Accounting Methods?

In contrast to general accounting or financial accounting, the cost-accounting method is an internally focused, firm-specific system used to implement cost controls. Cost accounting can be much more flexible and specific, particularly when it comes to the subdivision of costs and inventory valuation. Cost-accounting methods and techniques will vary from firm to firm and can become quite complex.

Why Is Cost Accounting Used?

Cost accounting is helpful because it can identify where a company is spending its money, how much it earns, and where money is being lost. Cost accounting aims to report, analyze, and lead to the improvement of internal cost controls and efficiency. Even though companies cannot use cost-accounting figures in their financial statements or for tax purposes, they are crucial for internal controls.

Which Types of Costs Go Into Cost Accounting?

These will vary from industry to industry and firm to firm, however certain cost categories will typically be included (some of which may overlap), such as direct costs, indirect costs, variable costs, fixed costs, and operating costs.

What Are Some Advantages of Cost Accounting?

Since cost-accounting methods are developed by and tailored to a specific firm, they are highly customizable and adaptable. Managers appreciate cost accounting because it can be adapted, tinkered with, and implemented according to the changing needs of the business. Unlike the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)-driven financial accounting, cost accounting need only concern itself with insider eyes and internal purposes. Management can analyze information based on criteria that it specifically values, which guides how prices are set, resources are distributed, capital is raised, and risks are assumed.

What Are Some Drawbacks of Cost Accounting?

Cost-accounting systems ,and the techniques that are used with them, can have a high start-up cost to develop and implement. Training accounting staff and managers on esoteric and often complex systems takes time and effort, and mistakes may be made early on. Higher-skilled accountants and auditors are likely to charge more for their services when evaluating a cost-accounting system than a standardized one like GAAP.

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The Bottom Line

Cost accounting is an informal set of flexible tools that a company’s managers can use to estimate how well the business is running. Cost accounting looks to assess the different costs of a business and how they impact operations, costs, efficiency, and profits. Individually assessing a company’s cost structure allows management to improve the way it runs its business and therefore improve the value of the firm. These are meant to be internal metrics and figures only. Since they are not GAAP-compliant, cost accounting cannot be used for a company’s audited financial statements released to the public.
