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AWS Zero to Hero: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners Course

AWS Zero to Hero: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) has become an integral part of the modern tech landscape, providing a robust and scalable cloud computing platform. The ” AWS Zero to Hero” course is designed for beginners, offering a hands-on approach to mastering essential AWS services. This comprehensive course covers key functionalities such as AWS EC2, RDS, S3, SES, and CloudWatch, making it an ideal starting point for anyone eager to dive into the world of cloud computing.


Course Overview:

  1. Launch an AWS EC2 WordPress Web Server:
    In the first module, participants will learn how to set up a fully functional WordPress web server on AWS EC2. The course provides step-by-step guidance on creating, configuring, and launching an EC2 instance, making it accessible to beginners with no prior AWS experience.
  2. Create and Connect to an AWS RDS Relational Database Server:
    Building on the foundation of the EC2 module, the course guides learners through the process of launching and connecting to an AWS RDS relational database server. Participants will gain practical insights into database management and connectivity within the AWS ecosystem.
  3. Create a Highly Available and Fault-Tolerant NodeJS Environment:
    For those interested in application development, the course explores the creation of a highly available and fault-tolerant environment for NodeJS applications using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This module emphasizes best practices for ensuring the reliability of applications in a cloud environment.
  4. Upload Files to AWS S3:
    AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) is a fundamental storage solution in the AWS portfolio. Participants will learn how to store and retrieve files from S3, gaining a practical understanding of object storage and its applications.
  5. Send Email with AWS SES:
    Communication is key in any application. The course delves into the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), demonstrating how to send emails seamlessly within AWS. Participants will grasp the essentials of email integration in cloud-based applications.
  6. Monitor and Alert with AWS CloudWatch:
    Monitoring and alerting are crucial aspects of maintaining a healthy cloud infrastructure. The course introduces AWS CloudWatch, guiding participants through the creation of alarms and the monitoring of various AWS resources to ensure optimal performance.
  7. How to Use AWS for Free:
    Cost management is an essential skill for AWS users. The course wraps up by providing insights into how participants can utilize AWS services for free, making it accessible for those on a budget.


The “AWS Zero to Hero” course is a high-paced, hands-on learning experience that empowers beginners to navigate the AWS landscape confidently. With practical examples and professional course notes, participants gain valuable skills in deploying web servers, managing databases, developing fault-tolerant applications, and more. This course serves as an excellent foundation for those looking to pursue further certifications, such as the AWS Certified Associate. Whether you’re a developer, IT professional, or anyone eager to harness the power of AWS, this course is your gateway to becoming an AWS hero.

Become Master in Amazon Web Services AWS from Zero to Hero

Mastering Amazon Web Services (AWS) from Zero to Hero

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands as a pioneer, providing a robust platform for businesses and individuals to harness the power of the cloud. The “Amazon Web Services – Zero to Hero” course by BackSpace Academy is a gem in the vast sea of online learning, offering beginners a comprehensive journey from ground zero to becoming proficient in AWS.


  • Course Overview

I. Unveiling the Basics of AWS

The course starts by breaking down the complex world of AWS into digestible portions. With a user-friendly interface and step-by-step instructions, beginners are guided through the essentials. This section covers:

  1. AWS EC2 WordPress Web Server: Launching and managing a WordPress web server on AWS EC2 is a fundamental skill. The course provides hands-on experience, ensuring that students grasp the concepts behind hosting websites on the cloud.
  2. AWS RDS Relational Database Server: Delve into the intricacies of database management by learning how to launch and connect to an AWS RDS relational database server. The tutorial emphasizes the importance of relational databases in cloud-based applications.

II. Building Robust Applications with AWS

Moving beyond the basics, the course dives into creating highly available and fault-tolerant backends for NodeJS applications using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This section is a game-changer for those aiming to develop resilient web applications.

  1. NodeJS Highly Available Environment: Explore the world of NodeJS applications and discover how to build an environment that ensures availability and fault tolerance. BackSpace Academy’s approach empowers students to create robust applications that stand the test of real-world challenges.

III. Data Storage and Retrieval

AWS offers versatile solutions for data storage, and this course leaves no stone unturned in exploring them. Students learn to:

  1. Store and Retrieve Files with AWS S3: Understand the dynamics of AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) and harness its potential for storing and retrieving files. The practical demonstrations make this often complex process accessible even to beginners.

IV. AWS Communication and Monitoring

Effective communication and real-time monitoring are integral parts of any cloud-based system. BackSpace Academy ensures that students are well-versed in:

  1. Sending Email with AWS SES: Email communication is a crucial aspect of applications. Learn how to integrate AWS Simple Email Service (SES) into your projects for seamless email delivery.
  2. Monitor and Alert with AWS CloudWatch: Dive into the realm of monitoring and alerting with AWS CloudWatch. Understand how to set up alarms and monitor the health of your AWS resources in real time.

V. Mastering the Tools

The course doesn’t just stop at theoretical knowledge; it equips students with practical skills in using essential tools:

  1. AWS Command Line Interface (CLI): Command-line proficiency is a hallmark of seasoned AWS professionals. BackSpace Academy ensures that students are comfortable navigating AWS using the command line.

VI. AWS Cost-Efficiency and Free Tier

AWS offers a free tier for users to explore its services without incurring charges. The course enlightens students on:

  1. How to Use AWS for Free: Understand the nuances of the AWS Free Tier and learn how to leverage AWS services without denting your wallet.

VII. Global Reach

The course caters to a diverse audience, with subtitles available in 24 languages, including English and Arabic. This global approach reflects the universality of AWS and ensures that language is not a barrier to learning.

VIII. Instructor and User Community

The course is created by BackSpace Academy, a trusted name in AWS education. With a 4.4 out of 5 ratings from over 6,730 users and a staggering 327,457 students enrolled, the positive reception speaks volumes about its effectiveness.

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, the “Amazon Web Services – Zero to Hero” course is a treasure trove for anyone looking to navigate the AWS ecosystem with confidence. From setting up web servers to mastering fault-tolerant applications, this course covers it all. The hands-on approach, combined with the expertise of BackSpace Academy, makes it a must for beginners and aspiring AWS professionals alike. As the cloud continues to dominate the tech landscape, mastering AWS is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. Enroll today and embark on a journey from zero to hero in the world of Amazon Web Services.