How to get Shop Act Licence in Maharashtra?

A Comprehensive Guide to Obtaining a Shop Act Licence in Maharashtra

Shop Act Licence in Maharashtra, commonly referred to as “Gumasta”, falls under the purview of the Shop and Establishment Act. This legislation governs the working conditions and other related aspects for workers employed in various establishments, including shops, restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues, and commercial enterprises.

Businesses operating in Maharashtra are mandated to acquire a Shop Act Licence to ensure compliance with the regulations outlined in the Shop and Establishment Act. The process involves filling out an application form, submitting necessary documents, and paying the prescribed fees for registration.

The Shop and Establishment Act stipulates that the name boards of establishments should primarily be in Marathi, written in the Devnagari script, emphasizing the cultural and linguistic heritage of the region.

The government portal for Gumasta licence application, available at, streamlines the process of obtaining a Shop Act Licence online in Maharashtra.

When Shop and Establishment License Requirements Arise?

The requirement for a Shop and Establishment License arises when initiating any business activity. This registration is mandatory for all commercial establishments in Maharashtra not covered under the Factories Act. Businesses are obligated to obtain the Shop Act Licence or Gumasta registration within 60 days of commencing operations.

Establishments Employing 10 or More Workers:

For establishments employing 10 or more workers, the application process involves submitting a Form ‘A’ within the stipulated 60-day timeframe. Upon verification and payment of fees, the facilitator issues a shop establishment license in Form “B” along with a Labour Identity Number (LIN).

Establishments Employing Less than 10 Workers:

Establishments with fewer than 10 employees are required to inform the authorities of the commencement of their operations. This involves submitting an online intimation in Form ‘F’ along with the necessary documents.

Key Provisions of the Act:

The Shop and Establishment Act prioritizes safeguarding employees’ rights and ensuring fair working conditions. Key provisions include regulations regarding establishment timings, safety measures for women, provisions for weekly offs and overtime pay, holidays and leaves for workers, and basic amenities at the workplace.

Shop Act Licence Documents Requirements:

The documents required for obtaining a Shop Act Licence include KYC documents of proprietors/directors/partners, address proof of premises, rent agreement/NOC, and incorporation certificates/partnership deeds where applicable. Additionally, hanging a banner in Marathi outside the establishment is compulsory.

Procedure for Registration under Shop and Establishment Act:

The registration process involves visiting the official website, filling out the requisite forms, and submitting necessary documents along with the payment of fees.

Procedure for Renewal of Shops & Establishment License:

Renewal of the Shop and Establishment License is necessary before the expiration date. This involves submitting an application in Form “D” along with the required fees at least thirty days prior to expiry.

Shop Act Licence Cancellation Online:

Shop Act Licence can be cancelled online by submitting Form “J” for establishments with 10 or more employees, and Form “K” for those with fewer than 10 employees, within 30 days of cessation of business operations.

In conclusion, obtaining a Shop Act Licence in Maharashtra is a crucial step for businesses to ensure legal compliance and provide a conducive working environment for employees. By adhering to the procedures outlined by the Shop and Establishment Act, businesses can operate smoothly while upholding regulatory standards.

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